Wednesday 11 February 2009

Shot Lists

One - mid/long shot, girl stood in room - cannot see her face and therefore creates mystery. over the shoulder.
Two - panning, closes in on the TV which is showing childhood home video. suddenly loses signal as camera stops moving.
Three - panning, girl sat crying in corner of room, shot pans out to get the whole room in the frame.
Four - tracking, girl being abused - pulled up stairs by her hair. this gives information on her background.
Five - mid-shot/close-up, girl drowning in bath, shows vulnerability.
Six - mid-shot/close-up, girl drowning in bath half filled with blood. however, she soon sits up with no apparent injuries.
Seven - tracking, girl walking across misty field in white nightie/dress.
Eight - tracking, camera follows girls walking upstairs and across landing.
Nine - close-up/panning, woman brushing her hair and then sees image of girl in background of mirror.
Ten - close-up/panning, zooms in on mouth screaming and title appears from the darkness.

Performers - Harrie Rose & Debs Brennan.
Props - TV (analogue), bath, hairbrush, white nightie/dress & large mirror.
Equipment - tripod & dolly.


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