Friday 27 February 2009


Wednesday 25 February 2009

New Titles

We have redone the titles for our new opening sequence to make them more appropriate to the film. We downloaded a new and appropriate font from '' to make the opening sequence more interesting. We used the same credits and used a font size of 72 for the main names and roles and size 60 for the descriptive words in between. We are planning to have the titles appear suddenly on a black background, cutting through the action, and then the words will drift and the title frame will fade into the next sequence of film. We will do this by using the opacity tool.

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Wednesday 11 February 2009

Shot Locations

One - location --> living room for example. very empty and bleak apart from the TV.
Two - location --> living room for example, very empty and bleak apart from the TV.
Three - location --> living room for example, very empty and bleak apart from the TV.
Four - location --> staircase.
Five - location --> bathroom with a white bath.
Six - location --> bathroom with a white bath.
Seven - location --> empty field.
Eight - location --> staircase.
Nine - location --> bedroom with a large mirror.
Ten - location --> bedroom, not much background needed.

Performers - Harrie Rose & Debs Brennan.
Props - TV (analogue), bath, hairbrush, white nightie/dress & large mirror.
Equipment - tripod & dolly.

Shot Lists

One - mid/long shot, girl stood in room - cannot see her face and therefore creates mystery. over the shoulder.
Two - panning, closes in on the TV which is showing childhood home video. suddenly loses signal as camera stops moving.
Three - panning, girl sat crying in corner of room, shot pans out to get the whole room in the frame.
Four - tracking, girl being abused - pulled up stairs by her hair. this gives information on her background.
Five - mid-shot/close-up, girl drowning in bath, shows vulnerability.
Six - mid-shot/close-up, girl drowning in bath half filled with blood. however, she soon sits up with no apparent injuries.
Seven - tracking, girl walking across misty field in white nightie/dress.
Eight - tracking, camera follows girls walking upstairs and across landing.
Nine - close-up/panning, woman brushing her hair and then sees image of girl in background of mirror.
Ten - close-up/panning, zooms in on mouth screaming and title appears from the darkness.

Performers - Harrie Rose & Debs Brennan.
Props - TV (analogue), bath, hairbrush, white nightie/dress & large mirror.
Equipment - tripod & dolly.

Crew List

Ciaran O'Brien - Sound
Debs Brennan - Camerawork/ Actress
Emma Grayland - Camerawork and blogs
Hana Rose - Editing
Harrie Rose - Actress

The crew may also include some extra's and different members of the group will help in different areas of production.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Ginger Snaps evaluation

Here is the opening sequence for Ginger Snaps. This is similar to what we want to achieve. Lots of short scary scenes, filmed in a very abstract way. Both our idea and this film feature a young girl as the main character and victim, although ours will be less violent and more surreal. We will use a wider range of locations whereas this film uses scenes mostly from around the household. Our opening will also be faster-moving to grab the viewer's attention, but similarly to Ginger Snaps, our opening will not give much information about the rest of the film.

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Film Credits

These are the credits we have decided on for our thriller opening;

Clockwork Productions present
a Warner Sisters film
(Cast One) Jim Mackanan
(Cast Two) Michelle Longstanton
(Cast Three) Sarah O'Brien
Costume Design by Tom Day
Art Direction by Malcolm Brennan
Production Design by Ian Davis Baker
Casting by Maya Johnson
Film Editing by Nick Cameron
Cinematography by Aylin Joselyn Lane
Original Music by Gordon Summers
Produced by Brooklyn Page
Directed by Blake Westfield

(Main Title) rise and fall

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Overall Story Board

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